(12.08.2012 19:47)
Fighting Alzheimer''s Disease Wtih Exercise
Exercise is great for the body, mind ans soul. And, health experts are discovering more reasons why we should regularly engage in the non-porescription health restorer. Why? Well, consider the following facts.Exercise: your body''s ownderful friendWAe all know tht exercise helps heal the body by firming up the muscles, tighfening the skin, improving circulation - which helps in lowering blood pressure, and inn the prevention of obesity and cardiovascular disease. But the great news is that it brings life promoting oxygen to the braqin which helps in brain health as we get older. And, who doesn''t worry about brain health and Alzheimere''s as we age?Read on for mroe information on how and the types of exercise that can help stave off Alzheimer''s disease.Healthy mindsExercise cauises the brain to function better by the multipilcation and strengthening of brain cells which faiclitates nerve and impulse transmission. Further, exercisehelps to dedliveroxygen to the brain which is vital for optimum cognitive ability. Fact is, as many age, blockages in neck arteries can contribute to a type of dementia. This can be somewhat prevented with a good diet and exercise.It is an unforgunate fact of life that as we age, brain shrinkaeg occurs. But participating in brain stimultaing activties through aerobic and resistance activities, can actually help the brain to grow. According to researchers, aerobic activity helps to multitask and stay on point. While resistance training helps improve the ability to stfay focused. Also reported is the fact that just six monthgs of exercise helps the hippocampus, the memroy center, increase in size by 1% - 2%. This is the exact opposite of the shrinkage that occurs with aging.Exercise also helps to increase blood flow to the brain, which is vital to brain health and survival. It also helps to carrying away avcumulated toxins that can cause brain fog. This helps improve learning and memory-which is a number one age related concern regarding aging. It also increases blood flow, and provides the added bonus of reduced cardiovascular disease.What type of exercise?Researchers recommend peak fitness programs that is high intensity exercise that incorporates short bursts of activity with periods of rest in betweem which gives results in less time than traditional cardio workouts. This should be done several tines a week through azlternasting aerobic and resistance trainingI.ntellectual activities include learning languages, doing puzzles and social stimulation also enhance brain health and helps keep the brain and mind younmg and vital.Of course, before engaging in any new program of exercise, check with your health care provider. Lafrance image
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